Source code for seqlog

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import logging.config
import typing
import yaml

from seqlog.feature_flags import FeatureFlag, configure_feature
from seqlog.structured_logging import StructuredLogger, StructuredRootLogger
from seqlog.structured_logging import SeqLogHandler, ConsoleStructuredLogHandler
from seqlog.structured_logging import get_global_log_properties as _get_global_log_properties
from seqlog.structured_logging import set_global_log_properties as _set_global_log_properties
from seqlog.structured_logging import clear_global_log_properties as _clear_global_log_properties
from seqlog.structured_logging import reset_global_log_properties as _reset_global_log_properties
from seqlog.structured_logging import set_callback_on_failure as _set_callback_on_failure

__author__ = 'Adam Friedman'
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '0.3.26'

[docs]def configure_from_file(file_name, override_root_logger=True, support_extra_properties=False, support_stack_info=False): """ Configure Seq logging using YAML-format configuration file. Uses `logging.config.dictConfig()`. :param file_name: The name of the configuration file to use. :type file_name: str :param override_root_logger: Override the root logger to use a Seq-specific implementation? (default: True) :type override_root_logger: bool :param support_extra_properties: Support passing of additional properties to log via the `extra` argument? :type support_extra_properties: bool :param support_stack_info: Support attaching of stack-trace information (if available) to log records? :type support_stack_info: bool """ configure_feature(FeatureFlag.EXTRA_PROPERTIES, support_extra_properties) configure_feature(FeatureFlag.STACK_INFO, support_stack_info) with open(file_name) as config_file: config = yaml.load(config_file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) configure_from_dict(config, override_root_logger)
[docs]def configure_from_dict(config, override_root_logger=True, use_structured_logger=True, support_extra_properties=False, support_stack_info=False): """ Configure Seq logging using a dictionary. Uses `logging.config.dictConfig()`. :param config: A dict containing the configuration. :type config: dict :param override_root_logger: Override the root logger to use a Seq-specific implementation? (default: True) :type override_root_logger: bool :param use_structured_logger: Configure the default logger class to be StructuredLogger, which support named format arguments? (default: True) :type use_structured_logger: bool :param support_extra_properties: Support passing of additional properties to log via the `extra` argument? :type support_extra_properties: bool :param support_stack_info: Support attaching of stack-trace information (if available) to log records? :type support_stack_info: bool """ configure_feature(FeatureFlag.EXTRA_PROPERTIES, support_extra_properties) configure_feature(FeatureFlag.STACK_INFO, support_stack_info) if override_root_logger: _override_root_logger() # Must use StructuredLogger to support named format argments. if use_structured_logger: logging.setLoggerClass(StructuredLogger) logging.config.dictConfig(config)
[docs]def log_to_seq(server_url, api_key=None, level=logging.WARNING, batch_size=10, auto_flush_timeout=None, additional_handlers=None, override_root_logger=False, json_encoder_class=None, support_extra_properties=False, support_stack_info=False, **kwargs): """ Configure the logging system to send log entries to Seq. Note that the root logger will not log to Seq by default. :param server_url: The Seq server URL. :param api_key: The Seq API key (optional). :param level: The minimum level at which to log. :param batch_size: The number of log entries to collect before publishing to Seq. :param auto_flush_timeout: If specified, the time (in seconds) before the current batch is automatically flushed. :param additional_handlers: Additional `LogHandler`s (if any). :param override_root_logger: Override the root logger, too? Note - this might cause problems if third-party components try to be clever when using the logging.XXX functions. :param json_encoder_class: The custom JSONEncoder class (if any) to use. It not specified, the default JSONEncoder will be used. :param support_extra_properties: Support passing of additional properties to log via the `extra` argument? :type support_extra_properties: bool :param support_stack_info: Support attaching of stack-trace information (if available) to log records? :type support_stack_info: bool :return: The `SeqLogHandler` that sends events to Seq. Can be used to forcibly flush records to Seq. :rtype: SeqLogHandler """ configure_feature(FeatureFlag.EXTRA_PROPERTIES, support_extra_properties) configure_feature(FeatureFlag.STACK_INFO, support_stack_info) logging.setLoggerClass(StructuredLogger) if override_root_logger: _override_root_logger() log_handlers = [ SeqLogHandler(server_url, api_key, batch_size, auto_flush_timeout, json_encoder_class) ] if additional_handlers: for additional_handler in additional_handlers: log_handlers.append(additional_handler) logging.basicConfig( style='{', handlers=log_handlers, level=level, **kwargs ) return log_handlers[0]
[docs]def log_to_console(level=logging.WARNING, override_root_logger=False, support_extra_properties=False, support_stack_info=False, **kwargs): """ Configure the logging system to send log entries to the console. Note that the root logger will not log to Seq by default. :param level: The minimum level at which to log. :param override_root_logger: Override the root logger, too? Note - this might cause problems if third-party components try to be clever when using the logging.XXX functions. :param support_extra_properties: Support passing of additional properties to log via the `extra` argument? :type support_extra_properties: bool :param support_stack_info: Support attaching of stack-trace information (if available) to log records? :type support_stack_info: bool """ configure_feature(FeatureFlag.EXTRA_PROPERTIES, support_extra_properties) configure_feature(FeatureFlag.STACK_INFO, support_stack_info) logging.setLoggerClass(StructuredLogger) if override_root_logger: _override_root_logger() logging.basicConfig( style='{', handlers=[ ConsoleStructuredLogHandler() ], level=level, **kwargs )
[docs]def set_callback_on_failure(callback): # type: (typing.Callable[[Exception], None]) -> None """ Configure a callback to be invoked each time logging fails. :param callback: A callable that takes an Exception (representing the logging failure) as its only argument. :type callback: callable """ _set_callback_on_failure(callback)
[docs]def get_global_log_properties(): """ Get the properties to be added to all structured log entries. :return: A copy of the global log properties. :rtype: dict """ return _get_global_log_properties()
[docs]def set_global_log_properties(**properties): """ Configure the properties to be added to all structured log entries. :param properties: Keyword arguments representing the properties. :type properties: dict """ _set_global_log_properties(**properties)
[docs]def reset_global_log_properties(): """ Initialize global log properties to their default values. """ _reset_global_log_properties()
[docs]def clear_global_log_properties(): """ Remove all global properties. """ _clear_global_log_properties()
def _override_root_logger(): """ Override the root logger with a `StructuredRootLogger`. """ logging.root = StructuredRootLogger(logging.WARNING) logging.Logger.root = logging.root logging.Logger.manager = logging.Manager(logging.Logger.root)